Brian Sheehan
As a Technical Writer and Blogger, Brian enjoys the challenge of bringing concepts to life via the written word. He is a big fan of project management, technology, and cheeseburgers.
July 10, 2012 · 1 min read

Go ahead, show yourself!

With Planio there's no need to hide behind your screen! Why not include an avatar and bring some personality to your profile? Better yet, how about a "Gravatar"?

A Gravatar (Global Avatar) is a small avatar photo used on your Planio profile via Gravatar.com. We use their unique avatar management service with your favorite online project management solution (Planio, of course!) so that it will be easy for you to add some life to your profile. In case some of you are unfamiliar with how to create a Gravatar, below is a walk-through of the process:

    1. Visit Gravatar.com. If you haven't done so already, be sure to create an account using the same e-mail address that you used for your Planio account — this is critical, as your Planio e-mail address and Gravatar e-mail address must be the same in order for your Gravatar to appear on Planio. Also, while setting up your Gravatar account, be sure to confirm your e-mail address so that it can be successfully activated.
    2. On the Gravatar.com main screen, add a photo by clicking Add one by clicking here!.
    3. You will be presented with several photo upload options; in this example, we will walk-through the process of adding a photo from your computer's hard drive. So, on the subsequent screen, click My computer's hard drive.

    1. On the Select a file from your computer screen, click Choose File.
    2. The Open window appears.
    3. Navigate to the location of a photo on your system, select it, and click Open.

    1. On Gravatar.com, after ensuring that the correct file was selected, click Next.
    2. An editable section of your photo appears coupled with small & large previews — drag the anchor points around your photo, as needed, in order to select a croppable area.
    3. When done, click Crop and Finish!. After cropping, assign a rating to your photo.
    4. Under the Select image (below) header, click on your photo.

    1. Click Confirm.
    2. Your Gravatar has been created and will now appear in your Planio environment. Have comfort in the knowledge that you are no longer a faceless entity to your Planio colleagues!

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Brian, your dedicated Planio blogger, is re-reading The Lord of the Rings and drinking a San Miguel (the de facto beer of the Philippines!).