You can mirror Bitbucket repositories in Planio with one click thanks to our seamless Bitbucket integration. It lets you tightly integrate your Bitbucket repositories into your Planio workflow.
You’ll be able to open Planio issues and projects directly from Bitbucket. You can also quickly see commits on Bitbucket directly from Planio issues. You can even use the Git commit message to track time or update the status of issues in Planio.
Connect Your Bitbucket Repositories to Your Planio Account
One-click integration means you can quickly select the repositories you’d like to connect to Planio. You don’t have to mess around with any settings. You’ll also benefit from having Bitbucket deeply integrated into Planio.
That means you can view Git commits in Bitbucket with one click from issues in Planio. That’s perfect for collaborating with others on your team quickly.

Open Planio Issues from Bitbucket
Planio is deeply integrated with Bitbucket, so you can open up Planio issues or view a repo in Planio with one click on the Planio icons in the Bitbucket sidebar.
That makes it easy jump from commits in Bitbucket directly to issues in Planio where you can update team members. You’ll spend less time emailing, and more time getting things done.

Bitbucket is a repository hosting service from Atlassian