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You Need More Than a To-Do List

Building a product. Shipping software. You need fingertip access to information. Too often, that information is spread out through issues, git commits, ideas sketched out in the wiki and random documents. Planio helps you put all this information in one place.

Track Your Issues

Tracking issues, tasks and bugs is core to Planio. That means you can configure exactly the information tracked in each issue. You can create powerful workflows that define available steps based on roles.

Got issues? Learn more

Agile Management (Or Not)

Planio supports agile frameworks such as Scrum. You can plan sprints, and track progress on the Agile Kanban-style board. But you can also use more traditional project management techniques such as milestones or the Gantt chart. That’s handy when you don’t manage everything with agile techniques.

More on Project Management

Keep Files Filed

Your team starts churning out files, prototypes and fancy powerpoint presentations. You’ve got to keep a handle on all this good stuff. Stick the files in the project’s folder on your desktop, and it’s synced to the rest of the team. No more wondering which version is the latest one!

Why file & document management are great

Share the Knowledge

As your team ticks off milestones, they’ll start coming up with all sorts of genius ideas. You want to debate them, assess their merits and store your team’s learnings. Well, Planio lets you create your very own wiki, discuss ideas in a forum setting or just add comments on, well, just about anything. Watch out for the trolls, however.

How to do knowledge management with your own wiki

Keep Email Out of This

Email quickly starts becoming a very messy way to organize things. Planio will help you avoid email confusion, because chat messages, updates and discussions are all saved together. This makes it easy to see the full story on an item at a glance.

The communication tools we offer

Work from Anywhere on Everything

Whether you’re living on a tropical island off the coast of Indonesia or just working from bed for a morning, you’ll have full access to Planio. And you can use our mobile app for a quick update on your project on the go.

How to use mobile devices with Planio

Did you know? Planio is proudly based on Redmine, an awesome online project management software developed following the open source philosophy. Planio specialises in hosted Redmine, Subversion & Git, and delivers it as a turn key service with extra features that's easy to use for everybody. Learn more about Redmine Hosting and Subversion & Git Hosting.

Everything our team does is done in Planio. It’s our main workflow tool. At this stage, we’ve created tens of thousands of issues. We’re really happy with it.”
Read the full 1WorldSync case study

Luis Ferrao, Senior Solutions Engineer, 1WorldSync

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