The wiki is an Idea Gathering Place. A centralized location that enables you to share insightful information and exciting ideas. Bring your thoughts to life with rich text, robust formatting tools, intra-wiki links, and image support. The structure is entirely customizable with parent-child and subpage options. Make as many changes as you wish — they can be tracked and undone. As your KM interface, the wiki ensures that your organization’s content is both centralized and memorialized.
Your Content, Your Way
The wiki’s formatting capability is a combination of what you expect and, perhaps, what you don’t. Toss in all the rich text tools you’re familiar with (e.g., header styles, bold, italics) and add-in a comprehensive array of syntax options that are tightly integrated with Planio’s other powerful features. Link to tasks, projects, repository files, versions, changesets, and even forum messages. Want a Table of Contents or need macros? No problem.

Build your own Structure
With an intuitive hierarchical structure and easy-to-define parent-child relationships, the wiki is fully prepared to handle whatever organizational challenges you throw at it! New pages are created by simply creating a link and then clicking on it — child pages can then be created within the desired page or, if a different parent is needed, you can just select one from the Parent page field. With a fully supported Table of Contents capability, the wiki can take whatever shape your project needs.

Functionality On Demand
There’s no more need to worry about missing an important wiki update or losing track of your pages’ histories — the Planio wiki addresses all of these concerns with a host of useful management, security, and tracking tools. Use “Watch” to keep track of changes, “Lock” to halt inadvertent changes by other users, and “History” to compare page modifications. Located at the top of each page, these tools keep the functionality you need at your fingertips!

In the Driver’s Seat
Maintain complete control of your wiki via Roles & Permissions. Administrators can define exactly which functions are available to wiki users by creating Roles and then specifying Permissions for those roles. The types of roles are limited only by your imagination. For example, a Wiki Admin role could be solely responsible for wiki management, or wiki permissions could even be integrated with existing roles — such as Managers or Developers — for more widespread use.

Wiki Content Writing Made Easy
- Comprehensive rich-text formatting.
- Easy-to-define wiki parent/child relationships.
- Robust table of contents.
- Watch pages, lock content, and view wiki page histories.
- Detailed wiki access definable via Roles & Permissions.
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