Brian Sheehan
As a Technical Writer and Blogger, Brian enjoys the challenge of bringing concepts to life via the written word. He is a big fan of project management, technology, and cheeseburgers.
June 12, 2012 · 1 min read

Welcome! Willkommen! Bonjour!

It is my distinct honor and pleasure to introduce the... <drum roll please>... Planio Blog! An environment where we will explore new horizons, forge new vistas, and strive to make our mark on the canvas of thought! Well… in actuality, we’ll mostly be talking about Project Management. Yeah, sorry for the let-down.

My name is Brian. Our CEO, Jan, has entrusted me to be your host as we discuss a range of topics that we hope will edify or, at the very least, give us an opportunity to have a conversation about new ideas in the PM space. In addition to contributing to the blog, I will also be writing user documentation for the Planio PM solution – so if you want to see a specific function or feature documented, be sure to let me know via a comment.

Some of the topics we’ll talk about include current issues in Project Management (tips, methods, and new concepts – particularly as they apply to small and mid-sized companies), features & functionality within the Planio solution (get your 30-day free trial here!), and insights into the personalities behind Planio GmbH. Lest we lose sight of our sense of humor, we’ll also be sure to include some comics and jokes designed to tickle your funny bone.

Lastly, our goal is to foster conversation – all of our posts are comment-enabled, so feel free to let your feelings & opinions be known; we are always open to feedback. To keep track of what we’re all up to, you can subscribe to our blog via RSS or directly from the sidebar.

Of course you can always like us on Facebook and follow us in the Feediverse as well.

Until the next time!



Next Post: Confucius was a PM? No way.