Title redmine vs jira

Redmine versus Jira: How to pick the right tool for your team

Jory MacKay
April 12, 2022

When it comes to project management software, almost every technical team has tried Jira at some point. But talk to 99.99% of them, and they’ll tell you they have a love/hate relationship with the app. Since its early days as a bug tracker, Jira...

Title move from redmine to planio 3 steps

How to move from Redmine to Planio in 3 steps (and why you should)

Jory MacKay
February 17, 2022

When you’re responsible for the smooth operation of in-house development and ERP and IT requirements for an industry-leading, international organization, a proper project management tool is a must-have. Yet after years of running and maintaining...