Introducing planio issue short links 1

Introducing Planio Issue Short Links

December 26, 2013

Happy holidays everyone. This is a short feature update we released over the holidays. Following our eat your own dog food approach, we mainly built this for ourselves here at Planio, but we thought it may be worthwhile sharing it with you as well...

Repository Web Hooks are here!

December 07, 2013

You've asked for it and we listened. Many of you are using Planio's hosted Git and Subversion repositories in combination with external services, such as continuous integration or build servers. In order to avoid polling in these scenarios, it is helpful...

New API for Planio customer companies and contacts

November 19, 2013

I am pleased to announce that we have added a REST-style API for customer companies and customer contacts to Planio. Using this API, developers can programmatically list, read, create, update, and delete companies and contacts in Planio. This could...

2 min read
10 discount on git tower for planio users 1

10% Discount on Git Tower for Planio users

June 26, 2013

As you may know, Planio comes with unlimited awesomely hosted private Git repositories which are included in all plans. Even the free-for-life Bronze plan offers unlimited free Git repos for two users. Now, together with our friends at fournova, we...

1 min read
Meet the team support specialist louise engel 1

Meet the Team: Support Specialist Louise Engel

Brian Sheehan
June 20, 2013

Louise Engel is the newest member of the Planio team and brings with her a great insight into delivering awesome customer service. Louise's experience working in technical support at one of Berlin's 5-star hotels enables her to view technical issues...

Agile breakfast 1

Agile Breakfast

Brian Sheehan
May 07, 2013

by Oliver Widder at Geek&Poke Maybe a ticket in Planio Agile would have helped? Did you enjoy today’s comic? If so, share the love with a Like/Tweet below!

Planio 101 how to create a new project 1

Planio 101: How to Create a New Project

Brian Sheehan
April 23, 2013

Over the last year we've discussed many exciting features within Planio, many of which are brand new (CC Additional Contacts, New Mini Features), several are quite Project Manager-friendly (Milestones & Roadmaps), and others are just downright awesome...

New feature cc additional contacts in the help 1

New Feature: CC Additional Contacts in the Help Desk

Brian Sheehan
March 31, 2013

A new set of mini-features have been added to Planio and we're excited to tell you about them! The focus of these new features is the recognition of additional contacts; essentially, Planio now supports the specification of secondary contacts (and...

Stackoverflow 1


Brian Sheehan
March 21, 2013

by Oliver Widder at Geek&Poke Did you enjoy today’s comic? If so, share the love with a Like/Tweet below!