Time tracking with planio and gotdone 1

Time tracking with Planio and GotDone

March 31, 2015

Here’s the situation: It’s the end of a busy working day full of interruptions and multi-tasking and you’re trying to remember how many billable hours you worked for which client on which project? If you’re lucky enough, all your clients are using Planio...

Dogfooding why planio does not have feature xyz 1

Dogfooding. Why Planio does not have feature XYZ.

January 20, 2015

Legend has it that the President of Kal Kan Pet Food ate a can of his company's dog food in front of everybody each year at their shareholder meeting. (Image by Lisa Yarost, CC BY 2.0) While we're (luckily!?) not in the business of pet food, we at...

1 min read
Planio team chat is coming with irc 1

Planio Team Chat is coming (with IRC!)

November 03, 2014

We're so excited about this that we won't be able to keep it secret any longer: Planio is getting a Team Chat feature very soon and here's a sneak peek: Of course, everything in Team Chat will be tightly integrated with Planio, so you'll be able...

1 min read
20 discount on rmclient for planio users 1

20% Discount on RMClient for Planio users

October 13, 2014

We are pleased to introduce a special discount on RMClient. RMClient is fully Planio-compatible desktop app for time tracking which helps you to easily navigate the stream of your tasks. The app displays a list of all assigned issues, allows you to...

Agile project management with planio 1

Agile Project management with Planio

July 22, 2014

It took some time, but we believe it was worth the wait: Planio now fully supports Agile Project Management approaches such as Scrum and Kanban! We know that many of our clients have been working in agile teams for quite some time and are having great...

1 min read

Planio is updating its Terms of Use

July 11, 2014

How time flies: it's been almost exactly five years since we first started working on Planio. A lot has changed in those five years. We took Planio from side project to full on business venture with actual revenues, real employees and - above all ...

1 min read
Easy access to planio on starthq 1

Easy access to Planio on StartHQ

July 10, 2014

Starting today, Planio is available on StartHQ and fully integrates with its awesome new Search feature! We're great fans of StartHQ here at Planio. It makes work with all the different tools we use so much easier. Once signed up, you can add all your...

Closing the email encryption loophole with 1

Closing the email encryption loophole (with OpenPGP!)

July 01, 2014

It is 2014. We've all been using SSL for a long time now in order to access our favourite cloud services. Of course, Planio uses SSL by default and for everything. In fact, we also provide HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) for browsers that support...

1 min read